Customer Testimonials

  • “Piezo-Metrics offers cutting edge high sensitivity semiconductor strain gauges for demanding applications. They are gladly willing to work closely with their customers to solve difficult strain sensing problems. Piezo-Metrics is very approachable with new requests to apply their sensors in new and novel systems.”

    Scott Harsila

    Micro Encoder Inc.

  • “Piezo-Metrics has a highly qualified and professional staff that takes care of their customers. They are one of a few remaining sensor companies that will tailor their products to your needs. I enjoy doing business with them.”

    Scott Hyde

    Program Manager for Advanced Programs
    Northrop Grumman Corporation | Space Systems
    Launch and Missile Defense Systems | Propulsion Systems

  • Piezo-Metrics is very customer-oriented and strives for high customer satisfaction in the products they produce and deliver.

    "Piezo-Metrics is a cutting-edge company that produces advanced semiconductor strain gauges which have proven to be very reliable and rugged. They offer expertise in custom instrumentation and implementation of specialized sensing devices based upon their semiconductor strain gauge technology. We had them assist us in implementing of a custom DBST in a hazardous environment using a single bridge design. This product was shown to be reliable, rugged, and capable of providing accurate information at low-stress activities while the product is long-term storage or dormant and still provides reliable and accurate operation when the product is activated with a high-stress condition producing several decades increased stress levels. Piezo-Metrics is very customer-oriented and strives for high customer satisfaction in the products they produce and deliver.”

    Derek R. DeVries, P.E.

    Sr. Fellow | Discipline Owner
    Avionics and Controls Disciplines
    Northrop Grumman Propulsion Systems
    Launch and Missile Defense Systems
    Brigham City | Utah

  • "Piezo-Metrics’ sensors play a key role in making Innovasea acoustic fish transmitters the longest lasting depth sensing fish tags in the industry. Scientists around the world depend on Piezo-Metrics’ high-quality, small form factor, sea water compatible sensors to answer important questions about aquatic animal behavior."

    Innovasea, “Aquatic Solutions Built for Life”